So this starts Sam Smiles 411…a brain MRI in Arizona! This is a bit backwards, but sometimes I feel that is how my life is – backwards! I hope to start at the beginning and tell of all of my adventures of the last few years, but sometimes doing that, makes me a little downcast (I’ve learned to NEVER say depressed or the doctors will leave you with that – a depressed, anxious person and often stop listening). So, THIS picture was the last brain MRI that I had (I think I have had a total of 6 to date) and it made me smile! And that makes all of this crazy adventure that I plan to tell you about in this blog worth it. OK – for the story….so, usually you get this ugly, pale and depressing, light blue gown to wear during a scan. Well, this nice lady at the Mayo Clinic in AZ brought in this cute outfit – every girl loves pink – AND white jogger-like pants. Sam was stylin and smilin! Oh yea….and the socks…..
Smiley Socks
Mayo Clinic always gives you these no slip socks to wear in the scans. They have a smiley face on them that looks you right in the face as you are lying in narrow little tube. Your head is strapped into this big device and they shove earplugs in your ears (like that does anything for the noise). BUT if you open your eyes and peer down the tube towards your feet, you can see your feet at the very end of the tunnel. How can you not smile when you see that cheesy grin lookin at you?! The best part is they let you take them home – I have about 4 pairs of smiley socks! There is nothing better than snuggling up by the fireplace on a cold winter day with a great book and a smile! Yep, Sam Smiles!!