Are You Hurting….?
Are you hurting? I know you answered, “YES” to that question. Everyone has some element of hurt in their life. Right now, so many things in our world are just plain depressing, and I could spend days listing the ways that people are hurting. It makes me sad when others hurt. But, for some odd reason, when I see a person who is in pain – emotional pain, physical pain, or even hidden pain, I feel an incredible drive to encourage that person. I have a passion to see the truly downcast face find a way to smile. My grandpa used to always say, “Turn that frown upside-down!”
Can I Make You Smile…?
So, did you smile when you saw that monkey posing in a wedding dress holding flowers like she is a bride in a wedding? Ok, so maybe you don’t have the love of all of those things like I do, but I bet you smiled at least a little. I mean, who doesn’t love monkeys?! I just love the monkey house at the zoo – they are the funniest, most joyful animals! I just love watching them. And even though I cry like a baby every time I sit in a church and watch a beautiful (although this monkey really isn’t beautiful, which makes this even cuter!) bride walk down the isle, I can’t help but smile. And if you know Sam, you know that I love flowers AND my favorite color is red – Nuff said!
Smiling is extremely therapeutic for hurting people. I can’t even begin to tell you things that have happened in my life that have made me hurt. I also can’t tell you the amount of things in my life that have made me smile. I have a “bag of smiles” piled up in case I need to grab one in the midst of a trial.
Better Yet, How About a Good Laugh…?
Sometimes I catch “Big Papa” sitting on the other side of the couch just laughing away with his head buried in his phone. He has discovered that there are really funny videos on the internet and tiktok. His laughing is contagious, and I often can’t help myself but laugh along with him even though I have no idea what’s on the other side of the screen. Another thing we do is we watch the game show, “Family Feud” together. Ok, if you don’t laugh when you watch that show, you need to attend my “Learn to Laugh” class (well, I actually don’t teach that class, but I’m getting ideas!! – insert smile). Other times we just sit down and think of all the crazy adventures we have had in our six short years together and we just have to laugh – stick with me, I’ll be sharing some of those – trust me, you will laugh too!
Are You Up for a Challenge….?
So, hurting people need to smile. That’s it. I challenge you to think of all the things that make you smile or laugh. Look around your house, look outside, in your car – find them all! You will be amazed at how many things there are in your hurting, depressing life that will make you smile or laugh if you will allow them to. Things that have been special to you in some way or another, or maybe it’s the thing that was the biggest “oops” in your life that you can look back at and laugh till you cry about now that brings a smile to your spirit. Take a few minutes to pause and think about these things.
Create Your Own “Bag of Smiles”….
Now that you have thought about the things that make you laugh and smile, make yourself a list of those things….an old fashioned list with pen and paper. Cut them apart and put them in a bag. (I did this with my students once and we wrote them on popsicle sticks and put them in a jar – maybe you like that better!) There WILL be a time that you are so down that you just need to smile and this bag (or jar) will come in handy!
Make Sam Smile!
Finally, I have said it before, seeing other people smile fills me up. Please comment on this post and let me know some of the things that make you laugh or smile! Sam needs to add to her “bag of smiles”. Thanks for helping Sam Smile!